Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A few things we have been up to!

 We started our registry!
One reason we went is for me to quit buying things, I figured if I'm registered for it I won't buy it. Also Bry and I have a very busy Feb and March and my first shower is in March, so we needed to get it done when we had the time! It was fun, but very overwhelming. It's so crazy everything a tiny little baby needs and once you decide what to get you have twenty choices of different brands! I sure hope Estella likes what we've picked out for her ???

When registering I found the perfect stroller for us! The Mamas & Papas Sola. This is the #1 selling brand in Great Britain, I knew it had to be good those Brit's always have excellent taste. It was on sale for $150 off, so I went straight home to research and read every review possible! After finding out this was truly meant to be my stroller, I called and had them put one on hold! These are the top things I was looking for in a stroller 1. Functional  2. Chic/stylish/cute 3. Forward/rear facing  4. Handle bar that adjusts higher( for Bry because he is so tall) 5. pushes/steers easily 6. Can hold a infant car seat/or lay flat 7. Light weight/ fold easy and 8. Something I can have for future kiddos!
Isn't it so cute??? Now Gg (grandma) Just needs to find fabric that comes in kelly green and pink to make a stroller blanket to match:)

Now on to the nursery-
It's coming along, one thing at a time! Gg has been very busy sewing away. She was only home for a week and got the valance, part of the dust ruffle done, the quilt cut out and we started redoing the antique dresser! Thanks Mom, we love it :)

Next up was the Chandelier. The first one I bought ended up being to small, I loved it and was afraid I wouldn't find one I equally loved... but I did! I'm so proud of Bry for putting it up all by himself, with the help of a lovely assistant:) The directions weren't great. It took a few times to get all the parts in place, but we did it and it looks FABULOUS! Thanks again Bry you made your oh so impatient wife's night!

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