Tuesday, February 7, 2012

26 weeks!

How far along? 26 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yep,  same as last week! I did get a super cute maternity dress for a wedding we have coming up and for a steal of a deal so I'm excited about that

Stretch marks? None as of now

Sleep? Sleeping ok I'm starting to get up again 2-3 times a night to use the bathroom

Best moment last week?Passing my glucose test, no diabetes for this momma and getting to hear Estella's heart beat, best sound ever

Movement?  Yep, she can be pretty stubborn for her daddy though he is always a second to late 

Food cravings?  Chocolate, in fact tonight Bry and I shared a chocolate shake mmmm it was tasty

Gender? Girl,  Estella Marie

Labor signs? None, thankfully

Belly button in/out? In

What I miss:  Nothing really

What I am looking forward to:  Finishing the nursery and of course feeling her kicks more and more

Milestones: Passing my test and she now has all 5 senses... pretty cool

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