Wednesday, February 1, 2012

25 weeks!

 How far along? 25 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yep, loving my maternity leggings but most tops and dresses are not

Stretch marks? Nope, I'm always putting my good lotion on

Sleep? Still sleeping pretty good! Only waking up to use the bathroom and sometimes it's hard to fall back asleep, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be

Best moment last week?Having the weekend to ourselves with NO Plans! Pretty much from here on out our weekends are full, so it was nice to spend a lot of time together! We even did a little shopping...Bry spoiled me with a coat I wanted and we picked up a few really cute outfits for baby Estella! It's so fun to see Bry get excited about sweet lil dresses (I'm sure she's going to be a daddy's girl:)

Movement?  Yep, lots more so fun

Food cravings? Still chocolate donuts, and anything banana or banana flavored

Gender? Girl,  Estella Marie

Labor signs? None, thankfully

Belly button in/out? In

What I miss:  One little thing I do miss is being able to quickly shave my legs, this is getting much harder each week ha! But I really love being pregnant

What I am looking forward to: My Dr. appointment on Monday, it's also time for the diabetes test! I've never in my life liked going to the dr. but I love it now! Also I'm looking forward to my mom coming home from Fl, we've got lots of projects to work on

Milestones: I can't think of a big one....It just feels good to know she's getting bigger and stronger with each passing week

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