Wednesday, February 22, 2012

28 Weeks!

How Far along? 28 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yep, they are most comfy but still have a few regular things I can wear

Stretch marks? Not yet, I sure hope it stays that way

Sleep? Sleeping ok

Best moment last week? Having some of my family be able feel her move was really cool,   dressing up for a wedding Bry was in and getting some organizing done. I went through two cabinets, I threw away a garbage bag full of stuff and brought a bunch of things to Turnstyle... felt so good, but I have lots more I want to do!

Movement?  Yep, she Loves loud Music, Taking after daddy already:)

Food cravings? Same as last week anything chocolate :)

Gender? Girl,  Estella Marie

Labor signs? None, thankfully

Belly button in/out? Still very in! Not sure if it will ever pop out it's just getting bigger ha!

What I miss:  Nothing crazy still enjoying being pregnant

What I am looking forward to:
Getting our Closet redone this weekend to make room for all my clothes... they are still hanging in the nursery! I can't wait to organize  all of Stella's stuff!

Milestones: Woohoo.. we are now in the THIRD & FINAL TRIMESTER!!! Super exciting to hit this milestone:)
Your baby's the size of a rutabaga!
  • She's starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
  • Her lungs are mature enough that she'd probably survive if she was born now. Wow!

Family picture grandpa took before our date last night.. I'm sure we won't have many more of these before Estella arrives!!!

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